We all know how important it is to act in a sustainable way and the St Kilda Primary School Fete is no exception! This year we are again going for a 'Zero-Waste' Fete. We want everyone to really get behind this concept and help us enjoy the day without creating a heap of rubbish.
How will we achieve this?
We will be using crockery and cutlery that we will wash on site with our 'Wash Van'.
Food will be served with unbleached serviettes that we can place in compost.
We will be serving soft drinks in cans which will be collected for recycling.
We will be using hired polycarbonate glasses at the bar. You will pay a $2 deposit for your glass with your first drink of the day and we ask that you hang onto that glass for the day and return it when you're done (and you will then collect back your $2!). This way we won't be using any plastic, throw-away glasses and save on a HEAP of waste. You are also invited to bring your own picnic glass ware if you'd rather.
There will be loads of 'green eco bins' around the school where we are asking that you place your food scraps/unbleached serviettes. We will then be able to take these directly off site to the Port Phillip Eco-Centre to add to their compost.
And that's just the beginning. We are working with the City of Port Phillip and the school to think about all the ways we can really achieve a 'Zero Waste Fete'.
What can you do to help?
You can think about the Fete as being 'zero waste' and any ways you can help achieve this.
You can come to the Fete on foot or public transport to help reduce the number of cars being used on the day.
You can take any waste that can't be recycled at the Fete home with you (we are thinking specifically of the ride wrist-bands).
We are really excited about this concept and we thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions or ideas about making our fete 'zero waste' please email the Fete Sustainability Co-ordinator Anabel Herr.